11- OBS Policies


Cracked Ball - Warranty: Each Ball has a warranty from the Ball Manufacture if it has a defect. Most crack balls are considered a defect but are subject to the Manufacture policy. The Manufacture warranty is printed on the original New Ball Box. All Manufactures have different policies. OBS is not responsible for providing any information. The owner of the ball may work directly with the Manufacture or through OBS. OBS holds no responsibility or warranty of a cracked ball, except in the case it was drilled incorrectly. OBS will help its customers with the warranty process. OBS should be able to help with your original purchase date. If your ball cracked within the limits of the manufacturers policy, OBS will submit your cracked ball damage replacement claim to the local distributor or manufacturer as needed. OBS will need the ball to submit the claim. This process may take several days for a review and an answer to the claim. If the customer claim is approved by the manufacturer, OBS will offer the customer the settlement received to replace the cracked ball. Some settlements are a ball replacement and others will just credit our account. OBS will provide free drilling on the replacement ball. Additional add-ons such as Interchangeable Thumbs and Grips are not warranted by the Manufacturer and will be an additional cost to the customer. 

Lane damage from Freeway Lanes: Lane damage balls must be taken to the front desk as soon as it happens. All bowling on that lane or pair must stop immediately. A Freeway Lanes Manager or appointed staff will review the lane damage and take appropriate actions as required. Freeway Lanes must approve repair of the ball before OBS can make a repair. OBS does not take any responsibility for damaged balls. OBS will repair the ball based on its damage but will highly consider repair options based on where the ball rolls (Ball Track). Plug or resurfacing may be required for the repair. It is the customer’s responsibility to follow up with the shop on the repair process. If the ball requires plugging to fix, the repair will take 3-6 days before completion. Additional work such as replacements of grips and thumb liners will be at additional expense to the customer. Please leave your name and phone number with the cracked ball. After repairs, the ball will be returned to the desk for customer pick up, unless we are provided other information. OBS is not responsible for the ball after it leaves the shop. 

All sales are subject to Ohio Sales Tax. 
No other Discounts can be included with Specials.
All Sales of New Balls include Drilling in the price unless otherwise noted. 
We do have cash and carry options and will ship without drill. Call for pricing. Shipping charges will be added.
Upfront payment is required before new Bowling Balls are drilled.
​​​​​​​Gift Certificates: Are good for 6 Months. After 6 Months from date of purchase, Certificates are null and void.